Writing with a Twist
Writing with a Twist
Resilience After Collapse

Resilience After Collapse

Collapse – “to fall down, give way, become unconscious.”

A tree.

A structure.

         Your mind.

When collapsing, something is completely pushed to its breaking point.

Weakness identified.

Slight pressure added.




An abrupt implosion.




Just as a tree topples to the earth, crushing all living things in its path…

The walls of a building weaken, then crumble to the ground, squashing both life and objects beneath.

Your mind breaks down, your spirit caves in, and your soul…goes limp.

It’s a letting go.

And also, a giving up.

How do you come back from this slump?

Trees re-seed.

Buildings get re-built.

We can re-vive.

Searching for peace…piece by piece.

Re-seeding our suspicions.

Re-building our bodies.

Re-viving our vitals.

A natural resurrection.

Breathing life back into what was once threadbare.

Mending the edges.

Snipping loose threads.

Smoothing the wrinkles.

Resilience – “the ability to move through and grow from difficult times.”

It’s not a trait that you either HAVE or DON’T HAVE.

Reread that.

Notice the glow on the horizon.

Sense the warmth in your body.

Recognize you’re moving through darkness.

It’s not a trait that you either HAVE or DON’T HAVE.




There is always resilience after collapse.

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Writing with a Twist
Writing with a Twist
Life is a spiral from darkness to joy and round again.
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Sarah Bliss Daly